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The first part of this guide focuses specifically on how to get OpenHAB setup with a Raspberry Pi 2, but further on, the tutorials and advice can be applied to anywhere OpenHAB is installed.
This guide covers three introductory topics, and one slightly more advanced.
• Getting OpenHAB up and running on the Pi, and installing the demo house configuration to check core systems are working.
• How to add bindings, and profiles for devices. I’ll be working with Philips Hue.
• Enabling remote access, and connecting to IFTTT.
• Adding a DIY presence sensor using Bluetooth, and an introduction to the REST interface.
• Configuring the OpenHAB mobile app.
By downloading this free guide, you agree to receive regular updates on the latest cool apps, product reviews, and giveaways from MakeUseOf.
Windows offers a variety of tools for troubleshooting and repairing problems. Whether your computer suffers from failed updates, awful appearances, sound problems, or driver errors, there’s a tool out there for you.
This eBook covers a range of weapons in the arsenal for combating common Windows problems. Some of the tools you must install from third parties. A large number come included with the Windows 10 (and older) operating system.